Bohemian Rhapsody #AdvScreenings #Giveaway #Sorteo #DTLA #ElPaso #Miami #Chicago #Dallas #Houston #NYC #Dallas #SanDiego


Biopic centrado en la figura del cantante Freddie Mercury que situará su acción entre principios de los año 70, cuando se creó Queen, y mediados de los 80, cuando la formación toco en 1985 en Wembley con motivo del Live Aid. La banda estuvo en los escenarios durante casi dos décadas, hasta la trágica muerte de Mercury en 1991.


San Diego 
Yolanda Arrollo
Marisela Talamantes
Muriel Rodarte
Adrianna Mora
Jose Monzon
 Princeton Joseph
Siobhan Dahley
 Laurel Moran
Deayne Yandell   
Mark Shields
Dmitri Melendez
 Xiomara Maldonado
Kim Medina
Henry Perez
Robert Martinez
Albert L Peruzzo
Maria Herrera
Miguel Sargent-Rivas
Isabel Morales 
Minerva Gravina
Patricia Vasques
Joel Torres
David Lopez 
Ruber Escobar


Jesus Vasallo

Melissa Mackin-Bolies

Miguel Paradiso

Gracias a los estudios 20th Century Fox tengo boletos para una proyección adelantada con asientos garantizados hasta cierta hora.  Tres ganadores por ciudad.

10/30/2018    7:30 PM        Chicago

10/30/2018    7:30 PM        Dallas

10/30/2018    7:30 PM        El Paso

10/30/2018    7:30 AM        Houston

10/30/2018    7:30 PM        Los Angeles

10/30/2018    7:00 PM       Miami

10/30/2018    7:30 PM        New York

10/30/2018    7:30 PM        Phoenix

10/30/2018    7:30 PM        San Diego

Para participar tienes que:

1.- Enviar un e-mail con tu información incluyendo nombre y dirección a con el hashtag #BohemianRhapsody #TuCiudad (your city)   

2.- Compartir el link con el hastag #BohemianRhapsody  #MarilusCorner #CuéntameloTodo

3.- Invitar a un amigo a que le dé like a la página en las redes sociales

4.- Decirme Porqué te gustaría ganarte la peli en comentarios de abajo.

*Sorteo valido solo en Estados Unidos  Muy buena suerte!!!!!

Check-in guidelines:

•         Winner will receive guaranteed seats and be admitted via guestlist check-in

•         Winner should bypass all lines and check-in with the screening rep inside the theater lobby and let them know they are guestlist winners

•         Winner should arrive no later than 6:50PM (6:20PM in Miami) to claim their guaranteed seats

•         Guaranteed seats are forfeited to the general line after 6:50PM, so please be sure to arrive early

58 Comentarios

  1. La verdad que he escuchado sus canciones (por lo menos los bien populares) pero no sé nada del artista. Me gustaría ver como llegó a ser. Ojalá gane para ver esta película que se ve que esta increíble!

  2. Una de mis bandas favoritas y quiero ver como fue que era la vida entre toda la banda. Como se llevaban y como lograron el estrellato

  3. I would love to watch this movie! Queen is one of my favorite bands! Freddie is such a flamboyant artist. I would really love to see how this movie portrays him. Great legends! 🙂

  4. Have been reading about this movie. Really loved the way Freddie sang. He died too young, like so many of the great singers. Would make my day to win these passes!

  5. Me encantaría ver una película sobre Queen. Me encanta su música pero realmente no sé nada sobre ellos … Espero que esta película explique mucho sobre ellos. No puedo esperar!

  6. Me gustaría ganar los pases para asistir al adelanto de la película porque Queen es mi grupo favorito desde la infancia. Desde los 4 años, la música ha tenido una gran influencia sobre mi desarrollo y Queen fomentó este gusto. Canciones como I Want To Break Free y Somebody To Love han definido mi vida y me han motivado a no aparentar ser alguien que no soy.

  7. I’d love to win because I’ve been a fan of Queen for years. When I realized a movie was being made about the band I was so excited to see how there legacy was gonna be captured on film.
    The cast is amazing, being lead by Rami Malek, Ben Hardy, and Mike Myers.
    Hopefully I win, so thank you for the opportunity to possibly win

  8. I would like to win because Queen is one of my husband’s favorite bands and I would love to go see the movie with him.

  9. From NYC…I would love to see the movie because Freddy Mercury is a legendary singer that left us all too soon! I love their music!!!

  10. Freddy, was this hidden talent a gem unshined .. who was probably brushed aside but unknown to the world to that gem just needed that moment . His time to shine bringing this mysterious band to life and everyone around him the dephts of pushing his band mates to an experienced they themselves never had.. making this movie hopefully make us more understanding Freddy and his band mates what they endured to get there ♥️

  11. Me fascina la Música de Queen en y hace poco mi hija de 16 años compartió conmigo que a ella también le fascina la Música de Queen en y agradece que yo comparto está música con ella. Ganar estos boletos sería un gran regalo para las dos.

  12. I grew up listening to this song as kid from the 1970’s and loved musical arrangements of this song! It’s one of my favorite songs from Queen! This song sends chills down my spine every time I hear it and to see Queen’s life story on the big screen will be EPIC!!

  13. I liked Queen when they first came on the scene in the 1970s, I attended their first concert in San Diego, in the late 1970s, when many did not. I have always loved Queen and Freddie Mercury. Looking forward to seeing this movie. Thank You.

  14. I am a huge fan of Queen’s music with a vast collection of their CDs. I recently attended a Queen Extravaganza concert at the Wiltern Theater and I even requested Irma the ghost at the Magic Castle to play Bohemian Rhapsody. The performance was beautiful.

  15. Who doesn’t like queen something wrong with you if never heard of Freddie gotta see this movie one of the best movies of the year even if I don’t win I Will find a way To go see it plenty of times on my own it’s that good !!!!!

  16. I grew up listening to Queen, never got to see them perform and cant wait to see Rami Malek portray Freddie Mercury !!!!

  17. Me gustaria muchisimo ganarme los boletos para la pelicula. Soy fanatica de el grupo. Creci oyendo a QUEEN durante mi adolecencia y seria un honor. Mi hija y yo llevamos casi el ano lliendo alos premieres. Son nuestras noches de salida de hija y madre. Seria la pelicula perfecta para atender como ganadoras. Gracias por la oportunidad.

  18. Queen made great music. I love documentaries. I would love to be enlightened on a generation of music before my time. I think this is going to be an excellent movie.

  19. I would LOVE to win this free screening experience for Bohemian Rhapsody because Queen’s music was extraordinary! Freddie Mercury’s voice was out of this world!

  20. Me encantaría ganar boletos para ver la película y poder llevar a mi mamá a verla antes. Nos encantaría ver más sobre el comienzo de Queen y Freddie Mercury

  21. Me encantaria ganar los boletos para la pelicula para ir con mi esposo quien está ancioso por ver la pelicula. Gracias por la oportunidad. 🙂

  22. I would love to see this movieNot only for the great music they put out.. but to see how the band & he is portrayed. It’s been a long time coming for this movie so it would be a treat to see it & a cherished one at that as well!

  23. Buenos días,
    La razón por la cual deseo ver está película son varias. Queen ha sido una banda con la cual yo he crecido y aprendido de ellos de muchas formas, como a simplemente no prestar atención a la opinión ajena u aceptar que cometes errores y está bien aceptar esto. Finalmente, quiero ver la película de Freddie Mercury porque creo que me motivará e inspirará para ser con mi arte al ver los caminos recorridos por grandes artistas que he admirado por un largo tiempo.

  24. I heard it took 10 years for this movie to be made. There were a lot of issues during the ten years and now it is finally done. I am excited how everyone represents the members of Queen!!! I have high hopes for this movie.

  25. Me encantaria ir a ver esta pelicula, siempre he sido fanatico de la musica de Queen y “Bohemian Rhapsody” es mi favorita. Quisiera verla cuanto antes para recomendarla a todos mis amigos…

  26. Cada dia que pasa los pases para ver esta pelicula son mas codiciados.
    Me gustaría ganar pases para llevar a mi nuera que está ansiosa por ver esta pelicula. ella y mi hijo crecieron escuchando esta música.
    Gracias por la oportunidad de participar en en concurso.

  27. I’ve loved the music of queen for over thirty years. They are one of the best bands ever to make music in my opinion. That is why i wanted to see this movie in san diego

  28. I was not born listening to Queen, but as I grew up, my dad introduced me to them and I have loved them ever since. They were such a captivating band back in the 70s/80s and even with Freddie gone, the rest of the band has still been able to sell out shows left and right. I learned what real music was and still is when I listen to Queen, they were supernatural beings that generated one of a kind music, and to get to see that projected on film is amazing. I would love to see that magic on screen and submerge back in time with the band.

  29. For me it would be a great insight to the other side of things musically & behind the thought of these songs & his life as they went on as a band

  30. I love the band Queen and would love to see how Rami Malek portrays Freddy Mercury. He is a legend and died when I was a baby. I am excited to see how his story is portrayed on the big screen. Also, it will be fun to rock out to Queen’s music. I imagine it will feel somewhat like attending one of their concerts.

  31. Me encantaría ganarme los boletos para ver esta pelicula. Siempre me han gustado las canciones de Quee/Freddy, y me gustaría conocer más de su vida. Gracias por la oportunidad

  32. I would so enjoy going to this movie. I have been a freddie mercury fan for a long time. When I was younger me and my best friend rocked out to Freddie Mac, (only his close fans call him that!) and the trailers for this movie have brought back some wonderful memories. My friend has passed away but he still lives within my heart. Dedos cruzados con esperanza de ganar. 🙂

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